Enrique Ortiz es Licenciado en Filología Hispánica, Doctor en Lengua española y sus Literaturas, ha participado en Seminarios y Congresos Internacionales de Literatura comparada. Es colaborador honorífico del Departamento de Filología Española IV (Literatura Hispanoamericana y Bibliografía) de la UCM durante varios cursos. Su ámbito de investigación se enmarca en la Literatura hispanoamericana y la Literatura finisecular española e hispanoamericana. Ha publicado varios artículos de investigación acerca de la Literatura hispanoamericana y española, además de ediciones anotadas y colaboraciones en Proyectos de Investigación de Literatura comparada.
Brief History of World Literature
Discover the masterpieces of World Literature, and its interactions with films, paintings, or music. A new, agile, and enlightened panorama of all the fundamental literary movements, and its main authors: from antiquity, Medieval literature, Renaissance, Romanticism or Realism, to the avant-garde, the 20th century, and the present day.
The approach to World Literature constitutes one of the inalienable pleasures for human beings. The varied, suggestive, and enriching character of literature not only reconciles us with the human race, but deepens, and expands our own condition.
It is essential to get closer to the literature to know our origins, to understand our past, and to confront our future more rigorously. Brief History of World Literature proposes a continuous pairing between learning, and delight, disregarding elongating author descriptions, and wagering on an understandable, entertaining, and agile discourse.
Although the great authors of World Literature are famous, it is not easy to find them together in the same rigorous, entertaining, and highly divulgative monograph. With all the difficulties it entails, we propose a book that addresses the fundamental movements of World Literature and its main authors. This perspective, which implies to consider the literary manifestations as a whole, will promote the inclusion of artistic manifestations like painting, sculpture, music, and cinema in interrelation. This work faces this deed without forgetting the fascinating significant contrast that is established between works arising in different countries, but emerged from a similar aesthetic, and artistic conception. In order to make it more attractive, and succulent, this work proposes constant interconnections between the different artistic languages: literature, painting, music, sculpture, and cinema.
- Brief History of World Literature offers a complete and enjoyable journey from its first manifestations (the Bible or the Quran) to the black novel, or science fiction going through the English Romanticism, the lyric, the modern narrative, the Realism, or the Greeks. The work is a complete outlook of the World Literature in all its formats: theatre, novel, poetry,... And it must be said it addresses literature from all over the world, as it addresses literatures that have not had the necessary space in other works: African literature, Slavic, Latin-American, etc.
- It includes numerous additional material that facilitates the comprehension of the text: chronology, images of authors, or their most significant works, as well as fragments of some of the works.
- The work is based on a rigorous historical research that entails an interdisciplinary vision of literature, covering television, cinema, comics, and games, as elements through which this discipline is conveyed.
- This work analyses unknown titles for the general public that will promote the enjoyment and curiosity for reader.
- Its author, Enrique Ortiz, has a Master’s degree in Hispanic Philology, holds a Phd in Spanish language and its literatures, and has participated in international seminars, and congresses of Compared Literature. He has been an honorary contributor to the Department of Spanish Philology IV (Latin American Literature, and bibliography) of the UCM during several years. His field of research is part of Latin-American literature, and Spanish fin-de-siecle literature. He has published several research articles on Latin-American literature, as well as annotated editions, and collaborations in research projects on Compared Literature.
El acercamiento a la literatura universal constituye uno de los placeres irrenunciables para los seres humanos. El carácter variado, sugerente y enriquecedor de la literatura no sólo nos reconcilia con el género humano, sino que profundiza y amplía nuestra propia condición.
Es imprescindible acercarse a la literatura para conocer nuestros orígenes, entender nuestro pasado y enfrentarnos con mayor rigurosidad a nuestro futuro. “Breve historia de la literatura universal” propone un maridaje continuo entre aprendizaje y deleite, prescindiendo de nóminas inacabables de autores y apostando por un discurso comprensible, ameno y ágil.
Aunque resultan célebres los grandes autores de la literatura universal, no resulta fácil encontrarlos juntos en una misma monografía rigurosa, amena y de alta divulgación. Con todas las dificultades que entraña, proponemos un libro que aborda los movimientos fundamentales de la literatura universal y sus principales autores. Esta óptica que supone considerar las manifestaciones literarias en su conjunto promoverá la inclusión de manifestaciones artísticas como la pintura, la escultura, la música y el cine en interrelación, sin olvidar el apasionante contraste significativo que se establece entre obras provenientes de diferentes países, pero surgidas de una similar concepción estética, artística. Con el fin de que resulte más atractiva y suculenta, esta obra propone constantes interconexiones entre los diferentes lenguajes artísticos: literatura, pintura, música, escultura y cine.